Danielle Friedman

Pianist Composer


Tangerine - Duo (noun)

In an ideal, perfect ‘Tangerine Collision’, there is no conversion of one energy type into other physical forms, such as heat or light.
As a result, a sweet-sour euphoric sensation property emerges.

TANGERINE is a musical encounter between two worlds that have existed in similar circles, yet never met; Aviv Noam, an Amsterdam-based Saxophonist, and Danielle Friedman, a Berlin-based pianist, both originally from Israel. Although they grew up in similar circles, they never discovered their musical chemistry until years after, while individually shaping their artistic careers in Europe.

When the two collide, their music is as intimate and expressive as it is dynamic, spiced with sprinkles of humor. The two instrumentalists navigate their musical worlds, blending elements from Avant-Garde jazz and improvisation, Western Classical music, and Middle Eastern flavors.

Tangerine” resembles both the enchanting citrus smells of their homeland and the tangent meeting point between the two similar yet different worlds of Danielle and Aviv. Together they crafted their debut album and created a unique cosmos, a colorful universe with its own time and space - “Time Without Disasters”.

“Tangerine is a beautiful duo, they draw up evocative and personal sonic landscapes through soulful interplay.”

-Ben Van Gelder (Saxophonist & Composer)